Engaging critical talent. 10 questions for every organisation.

Demand for high calibre talent continues to intensify meaning that organisations are increasingly having to raise their game to engage and retain staff for key roles. Emerging technologies are throwing up new skill requirements. Globalisation is increasing demand for skilled talent and outpacing the available supply. Combined they are creating an unprecedented level of competition for technology, data and marketing skills.

In addition to this, successful organisations must be able to appeal to the value sets and aspirations of their potential workforce in order to attract sought after talent, and traditional recruitment approaches are increasingly found to be lacking.

Designing and executive effect talent management strategies is a key component of any organisations strategy if it is to remain successful, and this is a challenge that stretches far beyond the standard Human Resources or Recruitment remit.

We regularly ask clients how well their organisation is able to answer the following questions:

1. Can you source and entice enough suitable candidates?

2. Which roles do you struggle to fill?

3. How flexible are your requirements?

4. Which character types fit with your organisations culture?

5. How long does it typically take new hires to reach expected performance levels?

6. How many new hires become high performers?

7. Why do people leave?

8. Why do people under-perform and stay?

9. How rigorous are your recruitment and training partners?

10. What is the cost to your business of sub-optimal hiring and retention decisions?

Confident answers to each of these questions enables effective resourcing, retention and performance management.

Weakness in any area can significantly impact the performance of your business.

Our talent management team specialise in helping organisations create effective strategies for engaging critical talent.  If your organisation has a recruitment, retention or productivity dilemma that you'd like to discuss please get in touch.